It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you all to participate in and actively contribute to the "11th International Conference of the High Institute of Public Health (HIPH): Alex Health 2024.”, planned to be held on November 24-25, 2024, in Alexandria, Egypt. HIPH is the oldest public health academic institution in the Middle East and North Africa. Many national and international researchers and agencies are expected to join this important biennial event. Over two days, scholarly & plenary presentations, panel and round table discussions will explore Universal Health Coverage (UHC) concepts, applications, experiences, and research outcomes in Egypt, the Eastern Mediterranean, and beyond.
We encourage you to submit your abstracts related to the conference's main theme: “Role of Public Health Towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC): Global and National Perspectives.” and other topics related to health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be shared, presented, and discussed during the conference deliberations.
On behalf of the scientific and organizing committees of Alex Health 2024, I look forward to personally welcoming you all to the HIPH, located in our beloved city of Alexandria: the pearl of the Mediterranean.
Conference Chairperson
Dean of the HIPH Institute of Public Health